
Last updated on 2024-05-27 | Edit this page

Julia organizes code into modules and packages. A package is the distribution unit. Libraries and applications are usually distributed as packages. Modules are for organizing code within a package.

In this episode we will learn about modules. Modules are used for namespace management.

A module starts with the keyword module, a name end ends with end. Let us open a file called main.jl in an empty directory and add the following code:


module OurVectors


Unlike in Python, a file can contain multiple modules, so module name and file name do not have to match.

But, for this example, we will put the actual contents of our module in another file. We create an empty file vectors.jl in the same folder and include it using the include function in our module, so that main.jl will look as follows:


module OurVectors



When main.jl is loaded in any way all the code in vectors.jl will be evaluated in the scope of the OurVectors module. Code of a module can be split into several files this way.

Also note, that it is idiomatic to not indent the code in a module relative to the module statement. Module names are usually set in upper camel-case.

We will now add a function to vectors.jl:


length(v) = sqrt(sum(v.^2))

Next, we try to use it in main.jl by appending



and running the file with


$ julia main.jl

We expected 3 but got 1. Julia calls the standard library function length instead of our module’s function. To use our function outside the module, we need to first export it from the module and then use it outside the module:


module OurVectors

export length



using .OurVectors


We need to add the . in front of the module name, because otherwise Julia would look for a package named OurVectors which it would not find. The . tells it to look for a module relative to the current one.

We put the export keyword at the top of the module, so that it is the first information a user of the module sees.

Running the example, we get


$ julia main.jl
WARNING: both OurVectors and Base export "length"; uses of it in module Main must be qualified
ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: length not defined
 [1] top-level scope
   @ ~/temp/main.jl:11
in expression starting at /home/user/project/main.jl:11

Base is a module provided by Julia and Base.length is the function that returns the element count of various container and iterator types. This conflicts with us using the exported length of our module. We have to write



to get


$ julia main.jl

Alternatively, we can import the function into the current module’s namespace:


import .OurVectors: length


This, of course, is very unsafe, since it overrides a standard library function. Instead we could give it a new name in the current module:


import .OurVectors: length as vlength


All this shows that each module has its own namespace, but we can import names directly or with a new name from other modules.

We can force users to always use our length prefixed by the module name OurVectors by not exporting it. It is still accessible, but it can no longer be imported by name or brought into another namespace via using.

The difference between using and import is that, by default, using make the module itself and all exported names available in the importing namespace, whereas import only makes the module available. From these defaults, using can be modified to only import specific names (including the module itself) and import can be modified to import additional names. In both cases the imported entities can be renamed using the keyword as.

Bare modules and standard modules

Whenever we create a module, the modules Core and Base are automatically contained as if imported with the using keyword. If a module is declared with the baremodule keyword instead, they are not contained.

In addition to Core and Base a Julia distribution comes with further standard modules; among them Test. In addition, Base has several submodules, e.g. Base.Threads.

Main is the top level module of a Julia process.